2023 Indonesia National YoYo Championship Final Freestyle Videos



1st Ahmad Kharisma
2nd Jonathan Sitanggang
3rd Arif Ramadhan
4th Kevin Hendrata
5th Rigel Amadeo
6th Mochammad Ainul
7th Septian Bima Saputra
8th Jonathan Jason
9th Daeven Neeve
10th Ibnu Fikri
11th Athallah M Lantang
12th Osshe Louis Sutanto
13th Cristian Ronald Belafano
14th Chrissanto Ukardi
15th Yogantara Ridho
16th Christian James Welly
17th Boris Chietra
18th Kevin Roberts
19th Henritzka
20th Farhan Cahaya Primadani
21st Willy Wang
22nd Amiel
23rd Winalda Aryudha

Double Hand

1st Christian James Welly
2nd Rizky Hadiaturrasyid
3rd Shasynarraya
4th Winalda Aryudha
5th Cristian Ronald


1st Osshe Louis
2nd Hendru Halim
3rd Farhan Cahya Primadani
4th Athallah M Lantang
5th Ibnu Fikri
6th Gema Kharisma
7th Cristian Ronald
8th Daeven Neeve


1st Boris Chietra
2nd Marco Victorio
3rd Novian Aris Setiawan
4th Gema Kharisma
5th Rizqi Ramadhan
6th Arisyi Said

Video Uploaded by
Indonesia Yoyo Club Federation: https://www.youtube.com/@indonesiayoyoclubfederation

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Author of this article

REWIND's Shibuya staff. A strong force within the yo-yo community since the 1997 Hyper Yo-Yo Boom, Jun has made friends all over the world through the power of Yo-Yo. A member of Team YoYoJam from 2002-2015, he won 2nd place at the 2003 World Championship in the 3A division. He runs the Shibuya Yo-Yo Club. He loves music and going for walks.