The 1st OSYC (Old School YoYo Contest) Freestyle Videos



1st Ryo Yamashita
2nd Tokky
3rd Takeshi Matsuura
4th Osumou
5th Yu Kizami
6th Ken Takabayashi
7th Shinnosuke
8th Suga
9th Ken
10th AXEL Tshubasa
11th Hanacchi
12th Mocchi
13th Tatsuya Kikuchi
14th Jun Aramaki
15th Sho
16th Hayato
17th Hiroki
18th Mero
19th Kamiyou
20th Motoyasu
21st Toru
22nd Daisuke Seki
23rd Yak


Ryoichi Suzuki

Naoki Okuma

Hiraku Fujii

OSYC (Old School YoYo Contest) Official Website

Video Uploaded by yoyovideoarchive

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Author of this article

REWIND's Shibuya staff. A strong force within the yo-yo community since the 1997 Hyper Yo-Yo Boom, Jun has made friends all over the world through the power of Yo-Yo. A member of Team YoYoJam from 2002-2015, he won 2nd place at the 2003 World Championship in the 3A division. He runs the Shibuya Yo-Yo Club. He loves music and going for walks.