JAPAN YO-YO CUP -International Online- 2020 Champions

Freestyle videos of champions at JAPAN YO-YO CUP -International Online- 2020.

1A Division 1st Arata Imai

2A Division 1st Arata Imai

3A Division 1st Thawhir Iqbal

4A Division 1st Kaoru Nakamura

5A Division 1st Miggy Hizon

Amateur Division 1st Shu Peng wen

Over 30 Division 1st Hiroyuki Suzuki


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REWIND's Shibuya staff. A strong force within the yo-yo community since the 1997 Hyper Yo-Yo Boom, Jun has made friends all over the world through the power of Yo-Yo. A member of Team YoYoJam from 2002-2015, he won 2nd place at the 2003 World Championship in the 3A division. He runs the Shibuya Yo-Yo Club. He loves music and going for walks.