[Part Two!] 5A May! Candy Dice Presents “Let’s Try Counterweight” Campaign 2020 #5Ayoyo

Every year yo-yo players celebrate May, the 5th month of the year, as “5A May” to promote the 5A (counterweight, freehand) play style. Counterweight style has a unique trick feeling that comes from the balance between the weight and yo-yo. We would love it for you to give the 5A style a try, especially in the month of May!

Thus, our Candy Dice Presents “Let’s Try Counterweight” Campaign!

Candy Dice is a counterweight brand produced by Shingo “Terry” Terada, the 2001 X Division World Champion, and our Shibuya Tokyo Store Manager.

Campaign Part Two Details

We will give one free random Candy Dice Pro to everyone who places an order over $55.

You will get a random proto shape or limited color, including models unreleased online!

*Please make sure you add the Candy Dice to your cart in order to receive it for free. The price of the Candy Dice will be deducted from the cart if the order price condition is met. Limit one per order. If you wish to receive a second one, please place another order.

If you forgot to add the present(s) to your cart, please message us by contact form or email, or cancel your order and submit a new one with the present added.

[Champaign] Candy Dice Pro Random Product Page

Campaign Period:

Until May 31 or until the campaign Candy Dice are gone.

Candy Dice Brand is run by 2001 World Champion, Shingo “Terry” Terada!

Everyone should give counterweight a go!

The Candy Dice is a product of 2001 X division world champion, Shingo Terada. The concept of this counterweight is to make it easy for anyone to try out 5A/counterweight play. May is the month everyone plays 5A. If you have never tried it, we hope you’ll enjoy this chance to explore a new yo-yo play style with Candy Dice!

Candy Dice Brand Product List Page
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