[C3yoyodesign Presents! “My C3 Yo-Yo Bag Photo Gallery 2023” Campaign]

Yo-Yos are not only fun to play, but over time can become quite a collection. There’s nothing better than filling up a bag with your favorite models and setting off on a day of adventure!

Sometimes we like to organize our bags by theme of maker, material, style, and others.

In this issue of C3yoyodesign Presents!, we want to see what C3 yo-yos are in your yo-yo bag!

“My C3 Yo-Yo Bag Photo Gallery” campaign starts today on April 3rd!



Follow both REWIND and C3yoyodesign on Twitter -or- Instagram (or both, why not!)

C3yoyodesign Social Accounts
(Twitter: @C3yoyodesign
Instagram: @c3yoyodesign)

REWIND Social Accounts
(Twitter: @rewindworldwide
Instagram: @rewindyoyo)

Post a photo of your yo-yo bag on your own Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #myc3yoyobag

You can use any type of yo-yo bag, but the yo-yo(s) inside must be from the C3yoyodesign brand only.
The yo-yo bag does not have to be full; just one yo-yo in the bag is fine.
Be sure to use the hashtag #myc3yoyobag in your post.
Multiple posts by one person are allowed.


C3yoyodesign is giving away some prizes for their favorite pictures!

Campaign Period

Until 24:00, Sunday, April 16th

Have fun posting! We’re looking forward to seeing your C3 yo-yo bags!

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Author of this article

One of the top 1A players in Japan, Kazuki was the 2009 and 2010 Japan National runner-up in the 1A Division, and is a JYYF official judge. He is the older brother of Naoto Okada (2009, 2011 World Champion in 4A). When he's not playing yo-yo, he loves reading books and playing with his three kids.