PYRO X is coming out on Dec. 16! Blue Pyro is back as a REWIND exclusive!

PYRO X is coming out on Dec. 16!

Pyro is the legendary hspin yo-yo which is easily considered to be one of the most striking and loved yo-yos in modern yo-yo history.

If you have been playing yo-yo for more than 15 years, we can bet you’ll remember the days everyone was talking about this yo-yo. At competitions, most players were using YoYoJam metal-rim yo-yos, and full metal yo-yos were a very uncommon sight. Augie Fash had just won US Nationals with his Dif-e-Yo Bare Bones, and besides the Tom Kuhn SB-II, the original classic metal yo-yo, not many people could name any metal yo-yos. Suddenly, hspin, a maker from Switzerland came from out of nowhere to change the yo-yo scene with their great designs, concepts and yo-yo playability.

Back then, everyone wanted a Pyro. Some lucky players owned more than one! Even nowadays, Pyro is thought of as one of the must-have models, and people still want one to call their own. The time has come to re-introduce it to the world. Welcome back Pyro! A huge thanks is in order to Dave Geigle, Hadrien, and Chris for making this happen!

How is the play feel? It feels like Pyro, but plays like 2020. Trust Hadrien.

Blue Pyro is back as a REWIND exclusive!

If you remember Pyro from back in the day, you might name this blue/light blue Pyro as one of your most wanted colors at the time. In fact, you probably still want this color.

If you know the original Pyro design, you can tell how close this new design is to the original. We respect hspin, we respect the original Pyro, and we respect the original Blue Pyro background.

<<14 is “Rewinding you back 14 years.” Feel metal yo-yo history for yourself and celebrate the rebirth of this legendary blue Pyro!

Visit Pyro X Product Page on REWIND Worldwide

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2000 X Division World Champion, National Yo-Yo Master, and REWIND's commander-in-chief. Hiro earned his business degree at CSU Chico so he could be close to the heart of America's yo-yo community. He personally handles international communication and orders at REWIND. In his spare time he enjoys reading manga and watching movies.